Hog roast Blackburn Bonfire Bookings!

How great was Halloween this year?  We certainly had a blast on Wednesday night doing a hog roast in Blackburn catering for our customers, it was an early start that day, I and my catering team had to make sure the van was loaded with everything we’d need for the 2 events we had on. Our first event was for a 50th birthday celebration and they wanted the food ready to be served at 2pm, we arrived there at promptly at 8am in the morning and set up the machine with the hog roast Blackburn pig all scored and ready to be roasted, as the hog started to roast we then have time to prep the side salads, potatoes, make the stuffing and apple sauce. It was a simple but delicious menu 1 and the guests were wowed with how crunchy our crackling tasted!IMG_6878-300x225
After the guests had eaten there lunch we packed away the serving table, disposed of any rubbish and put the machine away in the van, later that evening we catered for a huge Halloween bash in Blackburn at the community center, the guests opted for a BBQ gourmet buffet menu which is one of my favorites, we use the titan machine and add a BBQ attachment to it. This really fetches the flavors out of the meat so it’s just perfect to sink your teeth into.
This weekend we have several bonfire night jobs booked in and now that the winter is approaching our winter warmer menu is available and you can preview that on the Spitting Pig website!

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